

The origin of "Bellen onder nummer" (Calling Under Number)

The name PTI (Pincode Telenet International) dates back to the year of its establishment (1993), when the founders of the company, Cees van der Voorden, Luc Posma, Leendert-Jan van Doorn, and Herman Santema, had the ingenious idea of connecting advertisers and interested buyers and consumers with each other anonymously through telephone contact. By calling an advertised number in newspapers and magazines and entering the assigned ‘pincode,’ advertisers and buyers could connect anonymously. This gave rise to the Voice Response System ‘Bellen onder nummer,’ and PTI came into existence. Major clients at that time included De Volkskrant, Gay Krant, and ViaVia.


The Origin of "Meterstandenlijn" (Meter Reading Line)

A few years after the introduction of ‘Bellen onder nummer’ (Calling Under Number), Cees was awakened the day before Christmas by the sound of the doorbell. A technician from the utility company was at the doorstep to record meter readings. An illogical moment for the consumer but not for the utility company, as they knew with more certainty than on a regular weekday that someone would be home. Cees saw an opportunity here to simplify the process of collecting meter readings for utility companies (gas, water, and electricity). Technicians no longer had to visit all addresses in the Netherlands to record meter readings; instead, consumers could submit their meter readings themselves, mainly through the telephone (Voice Response), later through the meter reading card, and the internet.


Working for almost all energy, gas, and water companies

After years of dedicated work, we had almost all water, energy, and gas companies working with our meter reading solution. Since then, we have been able to make many processes of these utility companies more sustainable and efficient. And we continue to do so!


Sponsor of 'Spieren voor Spieren'

Since 2006, PTI has been a loyal sponsor of ‘Spieren voor Spieren.’ For more than fifteen years, we have been using our strength to raise funds for children with muscle diseases. We achieve this by participating in sports events such as the Spierathlon, Dam to Damloop, and Trap voor Trap. Additionally, we organize golf tournaments ourselves and join the ‘Spieren voor Spieren Gala’ yearly.


25th Anniversary & Launch of the new corporate identity

On December 9, 2018, we celebrated our 25th anniversary. This milestone was grandly celebrated at DeFabrique in the presence of our customers, suppliers, associates, friends, and family. Guest speakers such as Minke Booij, Marc Lammers, Daniel Zavrel, and Erik Scherder provided seminars with their societal perspectives on organization and performance. It was a fantastic and enjoyable day to share with everyone, culminating in the unveiling of the new (and current) PTI logo.


Launch of the PTI Planning Suite

In order to continue providing existing customers with excellent service, explore new markets, and cater to new clients, PTI embarked on a journey to redefine itself. After several years of building and continuous development, our new platform, the PTI Planning Suite, was launched on April 22 via a live event on LinkedIn. The PTI Planning Suite empowers our clients to configure their own work processes as efficiently and sustainably as possible using various software modules. Examples of these modules include (route) planning, customer communication, photo recognition, workflow manager, and data collection.



PTI realizes like no one else that where one door closes, another one always opens. When proven services reach their ‘end of life,’ PTI is always a step ahead with a new product to delight its customers. The story of PTI demonstrates that being agile, energetic, sharp, smart, and goal-oriented is a recipe for innovation and success. This way, we are always prepared for the future.

  • 1993
  • 1995
  • 2000
  • 2006
  • 2018
  • 2021