
Pincode Telenet BV (PTI) is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht under number 30215317.



PTI has compiled the information on this website with the utmost care. However, an error or incompleteness may have occurred inadvertently. PTI cannot be held liable for this. PTI also cannot guarantee the absence of errors and incompleteness resulting from the improper functioning of the website. PTI provides information about its own products and services on this website and reserves the right to make changes without notice.


Links to third-party sites

This site may contain hyperlinks to third-party sites. Different conditions may apply to these pages, as indicated on those pages. PTI is not responsible for the content of such pages or for software offered for download on these sites.



Nothing from this website may be used without the prior written permission of PTI, except when downloading, viewing, and/or printing for personal, non-commercial use.